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HomeTeam Pest Defense


HomeTeam Pest Defense increases efficiency, improves communications and reliability with SupplyPro Connect, streamlines scheduling, payment and management for over 100,000 homes nationwide

“Initially, purchase orders came in by fax and email and builders called every day. There was too much phone calling and emailing. Now, with SupplyPro Connect, POs are automatically populated in our system, alleviating data entry errors. We know the information we receive is upto-date and accurate. SupplyPro allows contact with builders without constant calling, a way to trade documents when needed, and makes getting paid for installs quick and easy.”
– Deborah Silver, Vice President of Builder Sales HomeTeam Pest Defense


  • Improved communication requiring fewer phone calls and faxes with builders.
  • Assurance of accuracy and less time spent manually inputting POs and records into in-house Pest Pac system.
  • As more of the residential industry turn to Hyphen products, more of HomeTeam’s nationwide installs are able to be managed through the same, streamlined system.
  • In Dallas-Ft. Worth alone, at least 60% of HomeTeam’s purchase orders come through SupplyPro.
  • The auto-pay feature makes getting paid less time consuming and more accurate

HomeTeam Pest Defense is the No. 1 pest management company servicing home builders and the third-largest residential pest control company in the U.S. HomeTeam’s innovative built-in Taexx pest control system is comprised of a network of tiny tubes that run throughout walls of the home, keeping pests out of the home. HomeTeam works with many of the nation’s leading builders providing pre-construction services and installing the Taexx system during construction.

SupplyPro Connect allows HomeTeam to receive purchase orders, schedule, communicate with builders, trade documents, and get paid quickly. SupplyPro alleviates manual entry, ensuring accuracy of data and reducing time spent on the phone with builders.

HomeTeam performs 1,000,000+ pest control services annually and is on track to install Taexx in 105,000+ homes nationally in 2018. Without SupplyPro, managing POs, communication, and invoicing for such a large volume of homes accurately would be nearly impossible. Now HomeTeam can efficiently manage installs for builders with less time spent calling and faxing and more time spent servicing customers.

Quick facts

  • No. 1 pest management company working with homebuilders
  • 58 locations nationwide and growing
  • More than 1,700 employees nationwide
  • Designed, manufactures and installs proprietary Taexx built-in pest control systems, the original Tubes in the Wall® system, now in more than 1,000,000 homes
  • 3rd largest residential pest control company
  • Industry leader among pest control companies, performing more than 1,000,000 pest control services annually
  • 7-time winner of “Partners of Choice” Quality Award from David Weekley Homes, the largest privately held builder in the country

“With SupplyPro Connect, purchase orders are automatically populated into the Pest Pac system, alleviating data entry and ensuring the record is accurate.”
– Deborah Silver, VP of Builder Sales

Challenges Driving Change

HomeTeam Pest Defense needed a system that provided an alternative means of communicating with builders in a high-volume transaction environment, and one that not only had the capacity to manage the high volume of homes they service, but could grow with them. Prior to SupplyPro Connect, HomeTeam experienced these key challenges:

#1 Purchase Orders Delivered via Fax or Phone

HomeTeam Pest Defense spent countless hours with numerous phone calls, emails and fax messages sending and receiving purchase orders, schedules, and invoices.

#2 Manual Data Entry Leading to Expensive Errors

Manually entering data from the builder’s system into HomeTeam’s in-house system, Pest Pac, opened the door for costly errors and miskeys. One service address entered incorrectly could throw off a tech’s entire schedule. Installing their pest control system in the wrong home was a costly mistake.

#3 The Old System Affected Quality of Service and Inhibited Growth

If a supplier cannot meet a builder’s quick — often 48 to 72 hour — deadline, the timeline for the entire project can be thrown off track. Managing multiple phone calls from builders and manual entry of information into HomeTeam’s system opened the door to time lost and order errors.

HomeTeam Pest Defense Integrates In-House Scheduling System with SupplyPro Connect to Manage Communications with Builders and Ensure Accuracy of Purchase Orders

HomeTeam Pest Defense must use the project management system their builder customers use, but with more of the leading builders turning to Hypen’s BuildPro and SupplyPro solutions for project management, more of HomeTeam’s purchase orders come directly through SupplyPro Connect.

Pest Pac, HomeTeam’s in-house scheduling tool integrates seamlessly with SupplyPro Connect, greatly reducing the amount of manual data entry needed, thereby reducing risk for costly mistakes. Prior to SupplyPro Connect, there was always the possibility a simple error, such as a miskeyed street address, could result in a costly install in the wrong home. Now, purchase orders are automatically populated into the Pest Pac system, alleviating data entry and ensuring accuracy of records. Once the install is complete and has been verified, an invoice is sent and HomeTeam can be paid almost instantaneously through SupplyPro Connect’s autopay feature, dramatically improving cash flow.

In addition to greatly reducing the margin of error and allowing for rapid invoicing, SupplyPro Connect allows HomeTeam Pest Defense to meet the necessary quick turnaround time and maintain the homebuilders’ high expectations for quality of service, all with the capacity to grow with HomeTeam as they expand their reach and take on new customers.



Eliminated costly mistakes from manual entry of data into HomeTeam’s in-house system.

Scalable System

Seamless management of HomeTeam’s rapid growth. 100K.

Simplified Communications

PO’s auto-populate in Pest Pac, including tracked communications and autopay

Exceeding Expectations

Streamlined system ensures HomeTeam is able to meet builder’s 48-72 hour turnaround times, keeping builders satisfied & on schedule.

“Where SupplyPro Connect has made a difference is in greatly reducing the amount of data entry we do.”
– Deborah Silver, VP of Builder Sales

Closing remarks on why it’s worth it to move to SupplyPro Connect®

“Integration with SupplyPro Connect allows HomeTeam to manage a high volume of quick-turn projects efficiently and accurately. Our builder customers expect a high level of service, and using SupplyPro Connect, we are able to ensure they receive just that.” – Deborah Silver

About HomeTeam Pest Defense

Established in 1996 with headquarters in Dallas, Texas, HomeTeam Pest Defense is the third largest residential pest control company in the U.S. and the No. 1 pest management company servicing home builders. With more than 50 branches and 1,700 employees nationwide, HomeTeam Pest Defense currently performs more than 1,000,000 services each year. In addition to pest control services for Taexx, HomeTeam’s innovative built-in pest control system, and other services HomeTeam provides include pre-construction services for home builders and traditional pest and termite control services for existing homeowners.

To learn more or to connect with HomeTeam Pest Defense, visit

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